Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tapping Memory

LOVE Love is not easily defined. Or even expressed. As I see it the world has their whole view of love severely warped. When we see love depicted in or through entertainment and media we often think of warm fuzzy feelings, roses, chocolates, and lots of body contact. However, I think that although love is displayed through these things, a real gauge of love is found where none of these exist. It is found in the couple who is struck by tragedy, but still finds the strength and understanding to move forward in their love. Witht the elderly man and woman who have been partners for over 50 years and know the struggles of a hard fought love. It's found in a labor delivery room. A funeral home and hospital bed. Love is truly found in those times when we do not want to give our love, but find the little voice of truth that tells us love never fails. I am sure it is from my days as a church boy, but I have always believed 1 corinthians 13. Known as the love chapter it paints a picture of what true love is. A sacrifice. Plain and simple. Don't get me wrong there is a lot to be gained through love, but nobody ever wants to talk of the sacrifice. That in our nature as human beings we are selfish. That to love another with our whole heart requires us to remove ourselves from the lime light. We tell the other that our love for them is greater than any need or desire we may have. Selfishness has no place in love. You find though that a sacrifice for love is what makes you whole. It brings the things in life that one could never achieve on their own. It proves that when found, love is the greatest gain of all.

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